Saturday, July 10, 2010

I'm cautiously optimistic.

I got a call from the MTF on Thursday, and guess what?


Very, very big deal. This means that I am, in a way, "approved," that this is being recommended by the med group. So, I cannot, in theory, be charged with "seeking unauthorized care," even if Tricare refuses to pay and I decide to pay out of pocket. Also, according to the MTF, I'm the first active-duty woman to get a referral for a homebirth from them.

Still, I'm not shouting from the rooftops yet. Over the phone, Tricare acknowledged that as long as I secured a referral, and that it was for a CNM (an RN who specializes in midwifery), they would cover it, because it is considered "healthcare services not able to be provided by the MTF."

My only concern is the crazy Tricare lady at the base. When I first started this journey, I started with her. She basically refused to even consider what I was suggesting, pretty much blew me off, and referred me to the process where you can get approved by your commander for care, but have to pay completely out-of-pocket (this is the same process you use to get plastic surgery, btw.) I'm not exactly sure how this process works, but if it involves her, you can bet it will be denied.

Once you get past the underlings, though, Tricare acknowledges that they cover homebirth. I'm just hoping my referral makes it to the desk of someone who, excuse my French, knows her shit.

Regardless, it's a lot easier to fight Tricare than fight Med Group, because I'll be talking to a civilian organization rather than a military one. So cheers to that!

All the prayer you can muster is very much appreciated. I should know next week whether I'll be approved by Tricare or not.

1 comment:

SA said...

So happy for you, Emily. Hope things continue to move in that direction. Keep us posted!