Sunday, May 4, 2008

Being a pet mom is tough!

So I meant to write on Friday but I ended up being super-busy. I had to go to the physical therapist again and it sucked as usual. I also had to go to my follow up with the surgeon who operated on my finger. Fingers crossed (literally), that therapy goes better next week; otherwise, I have to have more surgery to have the pins put in. I just want it to be better so I can play softball again! (Base league starts this week.) To top the day off, Savannah (my golden retriever) started throwing up. A lot. All over the house. At first I figured she had just eaten something disgusting, which she tends to do with some frequency, and was trying to get it out of her system. By that night she still wasn't eating, but she didn't seem lethargic at all. We went to the vet on Saturday as she and Charleston (new Cocker puppy) both needed their yearly shots. Dr. Ross agreed with my assessment and said I could continue giving her more Pepto (I had started with that Friday also hoping it would help). Sure enough by Sunday morning she was fine. Crisis averted.

On a funny note, Chuck jumped off the dock on his own on Friday. Hilarious. He also jumped off the moving boat when Brett and I took the dogs with us when we went fishing today. As soon as I can find fresh batteries for my camera I will post pics. His whole body went under the water, and he just (sat?) there treading water as we circled the boat back around. Brett wanted me to grab him with the fishing net, but I managed to pull him out without it. 

I am also currently taking donations from anyone with extra motivation. I am really behind in my counterintelligence class right now, and I need to have a record-setting week productivity-wise to catch up.  If I can manage to stay on track I will have my master's (Strategic Intelligence) by this Christmas. Any interested parties let me now!

Random notes: 
Does anyone else watch The Soup on E!? Love it.
Totally jealous of Heather (rockin' it in San Antonio right now)- wish I could be there, girl!
Shout out to Ashley, who turns 24 this week! 

To do:
Finish assorted sewing projects.
Stake beans.
Initiate war on fire ants in yard. 

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