Wednesday, July 9, 2008

I'm adopting "wordless Wednesdays!"


Jenny said...

The Farmer's Market definitely isn't big, but there are usually more people than that. What time did you go? Sometimes people pack up early or don't show up if it's too hot or looks like it's going to rain.

Jenny said...

I was just reading about the Instead cups. I didn't know they were disposable. They also look really hard to get out. I just know I'd end up with one stuck and have to go to the doctor! That's why I'm glad the Diva doesn't go in nearly as far.

Emily said...

I got there right around 10:00- and I think it started at 10:00 soooo....I think the hot day may have been the issue, though.

The Instead cups work, and they really aren't that hard to deal with, but I'm anxious to compare them to the Diva. I like that the Diva is meant to be reused, but then again there are some situations where you don't want to be cleaning one out in the bathroom! Not that I mind, but I think other people would be freaked out.

Oh, and I bought an awesome book this weekend. It's the Our Bodies, Ourselves "Pregnancy and Birth" edition. How refreshing to read about these topics from the "birth is a natural occurrence, not a medical emergency" perspective! I will definitely be recommending it to all my pregnant friends!

Jenny said...

This may be TMI, but as far as the washing of the DC, it isn't a big deal. Most women don't find themselves in that situation because they can wait through a whole work day to empty it. But if you're like me and have it bad, all you have to do is empty it and you don't have to actually wash it until you get home. It's only an issue for me on the first day, maybe the second.